穆护砂, refers to an ancient musical instrument called "Mo Hu Sha". It is made of polished jade and produces a delicate and melodic sound when played.
玉管朝朝弄。(玉管:a jade flute; 朝朝:every morning; 弄:play) The poet is describing the scene of the Mo Hu Sha being played every morning, producing beautiful and refreshing melodies.
清歌日日新。(清:clear; 歌:song; 日日:every day; 新:new) This line means that the song played on the Mo Hu Sha is different and refreshing every day. It highlights the creativity and ever-changing nature of the music.
折花 (pick flowers) refers to the poet picking flowers along the road. 当驿路 (along the road) implies that the poet is traveling. 寄与 (send to) 陇头人 (a person from Longtou) means that the poet is sending the picked flowers to someone from Longtou.
Overall, the poem expresses the poet's admiration for the beautiful and melodious music produced by the Mo Hu Sha. The constantly changing melodies and the act of picking flowers along the road convey a sense of freedom, creativity, and appreciation for nature. The poet then sends the flowers as a gift to someone in Longtou, adding a touch of romantic sentiment to the poem.
张祜(hù)(约785年—849年?), 字承吉,唐代清河(今邢台市清河县)人,诗人。家世显赫,被人称作张公子,有“海内名士”之誉。早年曾寓居姑苏。长庆中,令狐楚表荐之,不报。辟诸侯府,为元稹排挤,遂至淮南寓居,爱丹阳曲阿地,隐居以终。张祜的一生,在诗歌创作上取得了卓越成就。“故国三千里,深宫二十年”,张祜以是得名,《全唐诗》收录其349首诗歌。...
张祜。张祜(hù)(约785年—849年?), 字承吉,唐代清河(今邢台市清河县)人,诗人。家世显赫,被人称作张公子,有“海内名士”之誉。早年曾寓居姑苏。长庆中,令狐楚表荐之,不报。辟诸侯府,为元稹排挤,遂至淮南寓居,爱丹阳曲阿地,隐居以终。张祜的一生,在诗歌创作上取得了卓越成就。“故国三千里,深宫二十年”,张祜以是得名,《全唐诗》收录其349首诗歌。